This Motzoei Shabbos – Unlock Your Brachos!

What if I told you that simply writing down your monthly tzedakah pledge could open new channels of brachos for your family?

The Rebbe said it clearly in a Sicha delivered this Shabbos (In 5783):

When a Yid pledges tzedakah generously, Hashem will provide even more than expected—in health, children, and abundant parnassah.

And the Rebbe added:

It should be a written commitment, and it is fitting to make this before Rosh Hashanah, and even better on Motzoei Shabbos itself.”

Take the Rebbe’s advice – click here and commit in writing to give generously.
You’ll see how Hashem responds in kind!

By joining Maor’s mission with a monthly pledge, you’re not just supporting the spread of the Rebbe’s teachings – you’re actively bringing brochos into your life. Health, children, and parnassah are waiting to flow in abundance.

Make your monthly pledge today, and be bench with a Gut Gebentchet Yohr!

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