The Transformative Power of Our Resilience 

As the war in Israel carries on, day after day, with our brothers and sisters facing battle after battle – what should our response be? Providing remarkable perspective on how to deal with the hardships of galus, SIE is sharing a poignant sicha, which is particularly relevant with the approach of Asarah BeTeves.

As the war in Israel carries on, day after day, with our brothers and sisters facing battle after battle – what should our response be? What approach do we adopt to contend with the evil Am Yisrael is currently facing?

Providing remarkable perspective on how to deal with the hardships of galus, Sichos in English is sharing a unique sichah, which is particularly relevant with the approach of Asarah BeTeves.

“Swords of Iron”

The sichah discusses how the Third Beis HaMikdash will be built using iron, a hard metal that was not allowed to be part of the other Batei Mikdash. It delves into the unique power Jews possess – to transform the “iron of evil” which rears its head in galus into the “iron of holiness.” We can effect this change by displaying ironclad resilience and harnessing the power of the Torah, which is likened to iron. Ultimately, the transformation of the “iron of evil” will be so complete that iron itself will be used in the building of the Third Beis HaMikdash – the ultimate symbol of everlasting peace and holiness.

Learn this sichah, and discover how you can help our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael by brandishing your own “sword of iron.”

May this Asarah B’Teves be transformed into a day of celebration and may we merit to behold the Third Beis HaMikdash – the “iron of holiness” – with the imminent arrival of Mashiach Tzidkeinu.

Responding to the heightened need for answers and direction, SIE has been providing content from the Rebbe addressing themes relevant to the current situation, under the title Jewish Hearts Awakened.

Today is the last day of the Annual Sichos in English Hey Teves sale! Receive 35 – 60% off on all books, just visit our website at and enjoy the experience!

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