The Streams Are Pouring Into the River

A Moment with the Rebbe: The difference between various paths of Chassidus is only now. When Moshiach comes, all will study Chassidus and not suffice with emuna alone.

“The difference between various paths of Chassidus is only now, in galus,” the Rebbe stated at the Shabbos Bereishis farbrengen of 5717 (1966). “However, when Moshiach comes, and ‘the earth will be filled with knowledge like the seabed is covered with water,’ all agree that we will study Chassidus, and not suffice with emuna alone.”

The Rebbe continued in descriptive terms, “Water flows in small streams, brooks, and in larger rivers. As one gets closer to the sea, more and more of the waterways join the larger rivers, and eventually flow into the sea itself.

“Likewise, as we come closer to Moshiach’s times, more and more of the various streams of Yiddishkeit are pouring into the great river, accepting the necessity to learn and grasp Elokus.

“Until ultimately everyone will join as one, to be covered under one water body, in the ocean of the geula.”

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