The Secrets of Yerushalayim

Watch: Tour guide Yoni Myers gives a four-part virtual tour of Yerushalayim, exploring the history, the beauty and the secrets of the holy city.

Watch: Tour guide Yoni Myers gives a virtual tour of Yerushalayim, exploring the history, the beauty and the secrets of the holy city.

The tour was originally given as part of a series by Igud Yeshivos for bochurim, to give them a taste of the history of Eretz Yisroel from the time the Yidden entered until the time of the Churban Bayis Sheni, and beyond.

Part 1: Ir David. Kings of Yehuda. The outside of the הר הבית. Entrance to the הר הבית. 

Part 2: End of בית ראשון. Kosel Tunnels.

Part 3: Kosel tunnels. Old City Part 1 – (Jaffa gate, Armenian quarter, Kever David, Jewish Quarter).

Part 4: Old City Part 2 – (Herodian quarter, Churva shul, Kolel Chabad)


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