The Rebbe’s Guests – Your Zechus

By supporting Eshel Hachnosas Orchim, residents of Crown Heights can take part in providing spacious accommodations, hot and nutritious meals, shiurim and sedorim for the growing number of guests who come to 770 for Tishrei.

Eshel Hachnosas Orchim was founded over fifty years ago by Rav Moshe Yeruslavsky. Its purpose is to provide all the guests who come to 770 for Tishrei with all their needs BeGashmius and BeRuchnius.

For over twenty-five years Rabbi Menachem Mendel HaKohen Hendel has taken upon himself the responsibility of Eshel and upgraded it with spacious apartments, hot and nutritious meals, Shiurim and Sedorim for the guests whose numbers grow every year.

A lot of times the Rebbe aroused about the virtue of the Hachnosas Orchim organization and explained the part of the Crown Heights residents in the Hachnosas Orchim.

In the Sicha of 18 Elul 5740 the Rebbe said: “There is a clear ruling in Shulchon Oruch that Hachnosas Orchim is an obligation of the residents of the place”. And in connection with Eshel which was then ran by Rav Yeruslavsky the Rebbe said “but the residents of the place can not fulfill their obligation with his activities, rather they themselves have to deal with it generously with their money, body and soul.”

At different occasions the Rebbe expressed that this Hachnosas Orchim is greater than the Hachnosas Orchim of Avrohom Ovinu.

The residents of Crown Heights fulfil the Rebbe’s directive and join Eshel’s Hachnosas Orchim with their money and soul.

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