This week’s booklet includes letters to a child and a world-renowned chess champion about the key to surviving modern-day Hamans by not “kneeling” to outside pressure and being proud of Jewish observance.
In honor of Purim, presented in this week’s booklet are:
a) Purim Messages: Timely lessons from the Purim story and about modern-day Hamans and the key to surviving them.
b) The People of Mordechai: The Megilah tells us that the Jewish people “the people of Mordechai” did not kneel before Haman. Two letters in this section are addressed to individuals who did not “kneel” to outside pressure and stood upright and proud in their Jewish observance. One to a child and one to a world-renowned chess-champion.
Over the past few weeks, Rebbe Responsa has been receiving tens of new letters which they are soon to publish. They kindly request anyone who may be in possession of letters of the Rebbe in English, to send it to them by email so that these unique treasures can benefit the public. In this week’s booklet we provide two newly-released letters regarding Purim in the army addressed to Army chaplains.
In honor of 11 Nissan Rebbe Responsa is sending a daily newly-released letter. To receive these priceless new treasures subscribe to their recently launched WhatsApp series.
These selected letters are sourced from the extensive collection of over 5,000 English letters written by the Rebbe, accessible through the Rebbe Responsa app. To view previous issues click here.
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