In connection with the recent call of Rabbonei Chabad for silence in shul in response to the pandemic, we bring you a directive of the Rebbe shared with us by an reader.
In connection with the recent call of Rabbonei Chabad for silence in shul in response to the pandemic, we bring you a directive of the Rebbe shared with us by an reader.
Rabbi Berl Lipskier of the Crown Heights Chevra Kadisha related:
In the late 5730’s/1970s, a number of tragedies affected the Crown Heights community and several young people passed away. People were crushed and were wondering about what area to improve and correct. Rabbi Yitzchok Ushpal, who was then the head of Chevra Kadisha, asked the Rebbe what should be done.
The Rebbe told him that the issue that needs correcting is the talking in shul during davening.