The Real Overnight Camp Impact

Has summer been long forgotten? Not for the campers and families of CKids Gan Israel Florida!

Has summer been long forgotten? Not for the campers and families of CKids Gan Israel Florida!

Pictured below are highlights of the intertwined best of Gashmiyus and best of Ruchniyus summer that 70+ campers had this summer.

How do you ignite the Neshomo of Yiddishe boys who learn in Public Schools?

CKids Gan Israel Florida knows that a five-star camping experience with the greatest accommodations, campgrounds, activities and adventures awakens the boys to be open and receptive to all the warmth, beauty and joys of Yiddishkeit.

The proof is after camp.

Campers have connected deeper with their local Shluchim. Camp families are coming closer to Torah and Mitzvos. Some campers have enrolled in Jewish day schools with a small number of boys enrolled in Yeshiva.

The pictures below tell a story.

A story of hard-working staff, a story of committed and generous donors, a story of happy and content campers and above all, a story of the Rebbe’s directive to go beyond what looks attainable to give every Jewish child a Yiddishe education.

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