In light of the current world situation, and in the merit of the many around the world who are in need of a speedy recovery, Kehos Publications has produced a special edition of the Rebbe’s Sicha about healing. Download on
We’ve just entered the month of Iyar, which famously has the acronym “Ani Hashem Rof’echa, I am G-d your healer.”
In light of the current world situation, and in the merit if the many individuals, Jews, Anash and Shluchim, who are in need of a speedy recovery, Kehos Publications has produced a special edition of the Rebbe’s Sicha about healing, from Lekutei Sichos vol. 32.
The kuntres is available to be downloaded and studied over Shabbos.
With our hope and prayer for true healing, comfort and consolation.