The Devoted Chossid Who Wasn’t ‘Mekushar’

A devoted gabbai of the Rebbe Rashab and the Frierdiker Rebbe, Reb Chonye Morozov was accused by some as not being ‘mekushar’ enough. But when he explained his definition of hiskashrus, the tables were turned.

Reb Elchonon Dov (Chonye) Morozov was born in Cherkass, Ukraine in 5638 (1878). He was sent to learn in Minsk and eventually made his way to Lubavitch, where he was part of the first group of bochurim in Tomchei Temimim.

Reb Chonye was chosen by the Rebbe Rashab to be a chavrusa with the Frierdiker Rebbe, and after his marriage, he was appointed mashgiach of Chassidus in Lubavitch. He was later appointed as the Rebbe Rashab’s gabbai and secretary, a position he continued to hold under the Frierdiker Rebbe in Rostov.

Shortly before Pesach 5698 (1938), the NKVD arrested Reb Chonye and sentenced him to death. Before being killed the officer barked to him: “The Lubavitcher Rebbe is G-d’s emissary on this world, and because you are the Rebbe’s emissary in Russia we are killing you.”


Reb Chonye would fast quite often, especially during the weeks of “Shovavim Tat” (an acronym for the parshiyos of Shmos through Tzaveh, for which some have the custom of fasting during these weeks), eating his meal only after dark. He kept his fasting a private matter with the Holy One, and even his closest friends didn’t know about it.

On one of his fast days, two friends paid him an unexpected visit with the intention of farbrenging. Reb Chonye motioned to his children to bring out food and mashke and Reb Chonye sat down and said l’chaim with them. This was his nature; he would rather break his personal fast than let it become known to others.


The sefer Derech Chaim by the Mitteler Rebbe discusses the various levels of teshuvah at great length. When Reb Chonye learned this sefer he would cry bitterly, until the Rebbe Rashab called for Reb Chonye and forbade him to learn the book. However, Reb Chonye was so affected by learning this book that he would burst into tears whenever he saw the cover.


After the histalkus of the Rebbe Rashab, Reb Chonye continued to faithfully serve the Frierdiker Rebbe. Yet, some felt that he was not mekushar enough since he learned the maamorim of the Rebbe Rashab.

Bothered by what these individuals were saying about his father, his young son asked him why he did not learn the Frierdiker Rebbe’s maamorim. Reb Chonye responded, “Believe me, I tried! But what should I do that it doesn’t capture me…”

At that moment, his son understood that for his father, hiskashrus wasn’t a superficial to-do, but a bond of his neshama to the Rebbe that came with inner work. In fact, his father was more of a mekushar than those who ridiculed him.

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