The Crown Jewels of the Rebbe’s Library

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/

On the third floor of 770, in a room that is open to all, sits an exhibition of some of the most precious items from the Central Chabad Library, including a bowl from the Alter Rebbe, a Gemara of the Rebbe Maharash, and the Rebbe’s Menorah.

By reporter
Photos: Dovber Hechtman/

On the third floor of 770, in a room that is open to all, sits an exhibition of some of the most precious items from the Central Chabad Library, for anyone who so desires to come and see.

The exhibition dedicates one display case to each of the Chabad Rabbeim, which contains kisvei yad kodesh, artifacts, and early prints of their seforim.

Among the items on display are a bowl from the Alter Rebbe, which the Rebbe used to use by the Pesach seder, a sefer with a handwritten note by the Alter Rebbe, a Gemara of the Rebbe Maharash, the Frierdiker Rebbe‘s shtreimel, the volume of Zohar that belonged to Harav Levi Yitzchok Schneerson with his handwritten notes, the golden becher and tray and the broken bowl the Rebbe would use by the Pesach seder, and the Rebbe‘s Menorah. photographer Dovber Hechtman presents a visual tour of the exhibition, giving those who can’t visit in person the chance the experience the thrill of viewing the “crown jewels” of Lubavitch.

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  1. A priceless collection!

    But oh, my: the ceiling of that room is in bad shape! Funds need to be raised to make sure the ceiling’s damage doesn’t compromise the priceless collection therein!

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