The ‘Cowards’ Who Keep their Frontline Brethren Alive

With the recent ruling against the exemption for yeshiva bochurim from being drafted to the army, tensions are running high in Eretz Yisroel at yeshivos across the country. As chassidim, it is worthwhile to explore the Rebbe’s view on the subject.

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With the recent ruling against the exemption for yeshiva bochurim from being drafted to the army, tensions are running high in Eretz Yisroel at yeshivos across the country. As chassidim, it is worthwhile to explore the Rebbe’s view on the subject.

The Rebbe admired and praised the soldiers who defend Eretz Yisroel and its inhabitants, even putting their life at risk. At the same time, however, the Rebbe spoke about the absolutely imperative role those who learn Torah have in the security of Eretz Yisroel. The Rebbe strongly criticized those who deemed it unnecessary and called bochurim cowards and deserters for continuing to learn while their fellow countrymen risked their lives fighting for the safety of Eretz Yisroel.

When a parent wrote to the Rebbe regarding their yeshiva son enlisting in the IDF, the Rebbe minced no words:

“You ask whether a yeshiva student in Eretz Yisroel is obligated to enlist in the army.

“It is surprising that there is doubt in your mind, to the point where you need to ask from afar. It is well-known and publicized, the clear ruling of the rabbonim of Eretz Yisroel, which, of course, is based on Torah, that yeshiva students should not be drafted and should not serve in the army. Their dedicated and diligent study of the holy Torah protects and saves Eretz Yisroel and those who dwell in it.”

In a Vov Tishrei 5728 (1967) talk addressing the controversy, the Rebbe brought in the example from Navi to make his case:

“Yoav was the war general, and Dovid was the king of Am Yisroel – without Dovid’s Torah study, Yoav couldn’t win the war.

“Just like it wouldn’t be helpful if a war general thought to himself ‘How can I send my sons and friends to the frontlines while I sit here safely far away from the danger and make the battle plans? I should go straight to the frontlines and fight too,’ since the soldiers would then have no cohesive battle plan to follow and chaos would ensue. So too, we cannot say that the bochurim who are learning Torah should go out to battle, for it is exactly their Torah learning that is safekeeping the soldiers and ensuring their victory in battle.

“Just as it is not honorary in any sense of the word for a soldier to abandon his post- on the contrary, he is considered a deserter who has betrayed his country- so too, one who was appointed to sit and learn Torah day and night but decides that he too should fight and earn medals, if he leaves his perch where he learns and goes out to fight, he is considered a deserter and a traitor to his country. His Torah study is what saves the soldiers in war and wins the battle, and without it, he is leaving his brethren in a vulnerable position open to danger.

“Soldiers get much acclaim and honor for fighting in the war, which is a boost for their morale, but the ones who are sitting back at home base preparing food and supplies for the soldiers are doing critical work but get no acclaim or honor for their contribution.

“In our case, not only is the physical nourishment and food needed for the soldiers at the frontline to win the war, but also the spiritual nourishment is critically important to the success of the war. Not only do those at the home front not get acknowledgement and honor for their valuable contribution, they are even scoffed at and shamed: ‘How is it that your brothers are out there risking their lives and fighting for your safety and you cowards are just sitting here and learning?!’

“Try explaining to those who mock Torah study that it is the lifeline supporting the soldiers who are out in battle – not only do they not have patience to hear about it, they actually don’t want to understand. The Torah learners certainly do not get any awards for distinction or any honor or acclaim. As for being written about in the newspaper, they definitely don’t get praised and can barely hope not to get shamed and ridiculed too much.

“Those who only look at a war with the most superficial understanding should know that the physical act of standing in front of the enemy lines and shooting is the last act in a war. First, there need to be many support members, including women and children, who prepare the grounds for battle. But most importantly, there need to be people who make sure that the soldier is a live person, for if he is not alive, he can have the most sophisticated and up-to-date ammunition available to him, but he will not accomplish anything. This is where Torah comes in and gives him life. When he has someone who is sitting and learning Torah, which is life, he then becomes truly alive and can protect klal Yisroel.”

Especially when it came close timing to elections and these matters were discussed and voted on by the various parties, the Rebbe strongly called on everyone to loudly publicize the matter of importance of keeping Torah and Mitzvos, especially integral for the security of Eretz Yisroel and Klal Yisroel.

On another occasion, the Rebbe said that those learning are in fact more integral to the victory than those on the front. While the one at the front has the advantage of actual Mesiras Nefesh, it is the ones learning Torah who are bringing the true spiritual protection.

“In specific, the bochurim who sit and learn in yeshiva are the cornerstone for the safety of the borders of Eretz Yisroel. More integral, in fact, than the soldiers who stand at the borders with weapons and machinery. The soldier standing at the border is having mesiras nefesh for Am Yisroel, and has that powerful zchus standing in his favor, and yet, the bochur learning in yeshiva is still the one protecting the Yidden.

“The soldier is protecting the ones who are learning Torah and therefore get the same zchus as those learning Torah just like the partnership between Yisaschar and Zevulun, but the ones learning Torah must be part of the partnership in order for the security to be in place.”


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  1. Yes you are right, but someone learning doesn’t mean someone who wears a white shirt and has Peyos and is officially enrolled in a yeshiva. It means someone who is actually learning. The Rebbe quoted the Gemara מאי חזית דדמך סומק טפי in relation to Frum people who aren’t learning and still don’t want to go to the army. The Rebbe also told people in Yechidus that if someone isn’t learning, just being Frum is not an excuse to not go to the army

    1. Don’t say that the rebbe’s opinion is to a bocher in yeshivah cuz what the rebbe said about מאי חזית דדמך סומק טפיis about yungerman who wasn’t actually learning Torah in the kolel and asked the rebbe about it.
      And vi bavust the manne of the rebbe וואס מישסטו דיין תאוות מיט מיין מבצעים don’t mix your taaves in the rebbe’s mivtsoim in our case as well…

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