Teens Stranded at JFK Rescued with Pizza and Tefillin

A group of Israeli teenagers on their way to summer camp in the United States were stranded at JFK airport without any food and with no end in sight. A group of bochurim came to their rescue.

By Anash.org reporter

A group of Israeli teenagers on their way to summer camp in the United States were stranded at JFK airport on Sunday when their connecting Delta flight was canceled due to bad weather.

The group ended up waiting at the Delta Baggage Claim for their luggage for hours, without any food and with no end in sight.

Hearing of the fate of the Israeli teens, an employee from El Al Airlines reached out to the volunteers at Chabad of the Airport and asked if they can assist them in any way.

Despite several phone calls to Delta and airport security, making contact proved to be a challenge. It was only after contacting one of the parents in Israel who gave them his father’s cell phone number were able to locate the group.

The teens told the Chabad bochurim that they had they were starving and the only thing they ate was some popcorn they bought from a vending machine.

The volunteers drove to the Five Towns and picked up pies of pizza, fries, and drinks. When the store found out what it was for they added some bagels on the house.

They came back to the group of kids hands full of food which they ate right in the middle of baggage claims.

“The kids were thrilled. Some of them even readily agreed to put on tefillin,” one of the bochurim said.

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