Taharas Hamishpacha Review in LA Paired With Wine and Cheese

Members of the Chabad community of Los Angeles gathered on Thursday night for a review of hilchos taharas hamishpacha, together with a wine and cheese tasting.

Members of the Chabad community of Los Angeles gathered on Thursday night for a review of hilchos taharas hamishpacha, together with a wine and cheese tasting.

The evening was arranged by the Raichik family, in memory of Harav Shimon Raichik a”h, who served as the rov of anash in LA for decades. In his role, he did his utmost to enhance the tahara in the city, and the shiur was a continuation of his work.

Delivering the shiur was Harav Mordechai Farkash, rov and shliach in Seattle, Washington. Rabbi Farkash has also published a number of seforim on topics of halacha.

The evening was hosted by the Wilhelm family, in memory of their father Rabbi Zushe Wilhelm a”h. A full spread of cheese and wine was provided as well, providing for an evening that was both enjoyable and inspiring.


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