Taharas Habayis Installs Newly Ordained Chosson Teachers

A momentous event marked the graduation of a new cohort of Chosson Teachers by Machon Taharas Habayis under the leadership of Harav Avrohom Osdoba, Harav Yosef Braun, and Harav Sholom Ber Chaikin.

Machon ‘Taharas Habayis’ held a momentous event, marking the graduation of a new cohort of Chosson Teachers. These dedicated individuals have completed an intensive training program, equipping them to guide young couples in building strong Yesodos, Torah-centered Chassidishe homes and marriages.

The event was emceed by Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz, who introduced Harav Yosef Yeshaya Braun, Chaver Badatz, who spoke about the immense responsibility that comes with this role. Rabbi Tuvia Kassimov followed, providing practical examples of how to guide couples step-by-step.

Another highlight of the evening was a video message by Harav Sholom Ber Chaikin, esteemed Rav in Cleavland, Ohio, and veteran Chosson Teacher. Harav Chaikin, along with the senior Chaver Badatz Harav Avrohom Osdoba who sent his bracha in advance, serve as the vaad Machon ‘Taharas Habayis’ with Harav Braun, and together founded the Machon as an arm of the Crown Heights Beis din.

The formal part of the event culminated with the presentation of completion certificates to each of the newly ordained Chosson Teachers. “This moment marks a new phase in Lubavitch and in Am Yisroel at large” shared one of the guests. Rabbi Yusewitz shared a message from Harav Yekusiel Farkash, a prominent Rav in Yerushalayim and expert in the Tahara field, who said that “celebrating the culmination of their hard work and dedication to promoting Sholom Bayis brings much nachas to the Rebbe.”

The excitement didn’t end there. The formal event seamlessly transitioned into an exuberant Farbrengen, led by Rabbi Mendel Levin, Head Mashpia at YTTL Westchester. This joyous farbrengen brought together Askanim, veteran Chosson Teachers, and the newly ordained teachers from the shechuna and beyond, all united in their quest for inspiration and guidance.

As the festive seuda progressed, Rabbi Levin shared his experience and insights, imparting valuable tips and advice on how to effectively support young couples in building strong, Torah-centered marriages. The warmth of camaraderie was felt in the air, as the farbrengen flowed into the wee hours of the morning,

Machon Taharas Habayis director, Rabbi Yusewitz, shared, “This unforgettable night will undoubtedly be remembered as a highlight in the journey of these devoted Chosson Teachers, as they continue to spread love, joy, and Torah throughout the community.”

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