He Chose Heaven Over Earth

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Can we find areas in our lives where we’re willing to forego materialism for the sake of spirituality? For some, it may be closing their business in order to keep Shabbos, and for others, it may be closing their phone in order to daven properly.

“Rebbe! I Can’t Deal With Him!”

Climbed up to the Alter Rebbe‘s second-floor window, R. Yekusiel Lyepler cried out, “Rebbe! Cut out my left side! I can’t deal with him!” From that moment on, he became a different person and his neshama shone intensely – in surprising moments.

Being a Servant is Actually Pretty Good

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Ironic as this may sound, being Hashem’s servant is actually the most liberating way to live. The less of an independent existence we are, the more we allow Hashem to shine through us, and it’s much easier to overcome challenges and obstacles.

His Bumper Sticker Said “Hashem Loves Me”

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Hashem’s love for us should make us feel so secure that we have no need to announce it or have others validate it. It should make us feel less self-absorbed. A Baal Shem Tov-inspired bumper sticker might read something like: Hashem Loves You!

He Was Looking at His Phone Instead of His Wife

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: A newlywed couple sat at a sushi place, with the wife looking through the menu while her husband looked through his phone. Eventually, she too took out her phone and began scrolling. Their sushi was served, and they both ate, looking at their phones the entire time instead of at each other.

Why Teachers Are Leaving the Classrooms

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: I just heard from several melamdim strongly considering leaving their positions because of two issues: One is lack of respect and appreciation—from their own administration as well as parents. The second is the financial strain; they’re simply not being paid enough.

The “Pnimi” Who Was Entrusted with Educating a Rebbe

A house in Rashbatz's town of origin, Shventzyan
A house in Rashbatz's town of origin, Shventzyan

R. Shmuel Betzalel Sheptel, known among chassidim as Rashbatz, was a prominent chossid of many Rebbeim, the melamed of the Frierdiker Rebbe, and later a mashpia of Tomchei Temimim in Lubavitch. His sayings and meshalim guided generations of chassidim.

Where Are Our Community’s Leaders?

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: “Where are our leaders?” many people ask. But as the people, we should primarily ask a different question: “Where are the followers?” There are many qualified Rabbanim and mashpiim to lead us with the Torah as their guide, the question is if we are willing to follow.

‘Ahhhs’ and ‘Oys’ May Not Stay the Same

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: There has never been a more confusing time than ours. We are exposed to endless information on how to live our lives; choose priorities; educate our children; and be married. But we need to be open to the possibility that these ahhhs may one day prove to be oys.

Rational Yiddishkeit Does Not Endure

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: The Rebbe Rashab‘s granddaughters had a teacher who taught only Torah matters which could be explained logically. When the Rebbe Rashab heard about this, he ordered that this teacher be dismissed.

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