They Are Ruthless, But We Are Strong

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: It’s frustrating to witness the injustice surrounding Eretz Yisroel these days. How can the world not see through the lies of these monstrous murderers? Indeed, Yishmael’s ruthlessness has a long history.

These People Are Stars, How About Me?

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: As the war continues, more and more horrific stories of pain and suffering emerge R”l, but there are also stories of Yidden in Eretz Yisroel who are becoming stronger and prouder. These people gathered the strength, during such a difficult time, to make real changes in their lives.

We Know He’s In Charge, But a Pogrom is a Pogrom!

Photo: Ziv Koren
Photo: Ziv Koren

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: In the early 1900s, after some devastating pogroms, the Rebbe’s melamed found a source in the Torah for what was going on. The Rebbe repeated this episode one Simchas Torah and concluded, “Still, a pogrom is a pogrom!”

He Chose Heaven Over Earth

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Can we find areas in our lives where we’re willing to forego materialism for the sake of spirituality? For some, it may be closing their business in order to keep Shabbos, and for others, it may be closing their phone in order to daven properly.

“Rebbe! I Can’t Deal With Him!”

Climbed up to the Alter Rebbe‘s second-floor window, R. Yekusiel Lyepler cried out, “Rebbe! Cut out my left side! I can’t deal with him!” From that moment on, he became a different person and his neshama shone intensely – in surprising moments.

Being a Servant is Actually Pretty Good

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Ironic as this may sound, being Hashem’s servant is actually the most liberating way to live. The less of an independent existence we are, the more we allow Hashem to shine through us, and it’s much easier to overcome challenges and obstacles.

His Bumper Sticker Said “Hashem Loves Me”

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: Hashem’s love for us should make us feel so secure that we have no need to announce it or have others validate it. It should make us feel less self-absorbed. A Baal Shem Tov-inspired bumper sticker might read something like: Hashem Loves You!

He Was Looking at His Phone Instead of His Wife

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: A newlywed couple sat at a sushi place, with the wife looking through the menu while her husband looked through his phone. Eventually, she too took out her phone and began scrolling. Their sushi was served, and they both ate, looking at their phones the entire time instead of at each other.

Why Teachers Are Leaving the Classrooms

Article by Rabbi Mordechai Lipskier: I just heard from several melamdim strongly considering leaving their positions because of two issues: One is lack of respect and appreciation—from their own administration as well as parents. The second is the financial strain; they’re simply not being paid enough.

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