New Swift Tanya Class Makes Daily Tanya Easy

Just in time for Chag Hachagim A new Shiur is being launched in conjunction with Irgun Torah to assist all in their learning Tanya daily led by Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz.

Just in time for Chag Hachagim Yud Tes Kislev, a day when Chassidim the world over resolve to strengthen their limud Hachassidus, many will revisit their commitment to learning Chassidus in general, and Sefer Tanya Kadisha specifically.

A new Shiur is being launched in conjunction with Irgun Torah to assist all in their learning Tanya daily. The shiurim will be given by Rabbi Mendel Yusewitz and will be joining the other noted “Swift shiurim series” such as Swift Kitzur Shulchan Aruch, Swift Hilchos Shabbos, Swift Shaar Habitachon, and Swift Mishnayos to name a few.

You can join the Whatsapp group by clicking here to receive a swift 10-15 minute voice note to your phone, with the Tanya portion of that day’s chitas.

Special thanks to R’ Avrohom Rutban and Hat’ Chaim Tauber of Irgun Torah


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