Surprise Celebration in Morristown for Rabbi Herson’s 90th Birthday

Photos: Shmaya Feigelstock

A surprise celebration and Tanya printing was held in Morristown, NJ celebrating the 90th birthday of Rabbi Moshe Herson, Head Shliach of New Jersey and dean of the Rabbinical College of America.

A surprise celebration and Tanya printing was held in Morristown, NJ celebrating the 90th birthday of Rabbi Moshe Herson, Head Shliach of New Jersey and dean of the Rabbinical College of America.

YSP talmidim greeted Rabbi Herson singing “Achein Ata Keil Mistater,” a niggun that Rabbi Herson sang on a Nichoach album decades ago. A special Tanya printing was held in the new building, especially timed for Rabbi Herson’s birthday.

The event was attended by Rabbi Herson’s sons Rabbi Asher and Rabbi Mendy Herson, Rabbi Mendel Goldberg, director of YSP, Rabbi Chaim Schapiro, Rosh Yeshiva of Morristown Tomchei Temimim Yeshiva, shliach Rabbi Dovid Dubov, Mayor of Morristown Tim Dougherty, and shluchim from New Jersey.

Rabbi Herson was gifted a portrait of himself drawn by YSP’s Learning Director Shimi Silberberg.

Photos: Shmaya Feigelstock

VIDEO: Rabbi Herson enters the new zal where a surprise awaits him.

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VIDEO: YSP bochurim read poem for Rabbi Herson.

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