Sunday: Women’s ‘Tea on Modesty’ in Crown Heights

This Sunday, Women of Iron Unite invites you to a morning of inspiration, shining a spotlight on women who prioritized modesty and inspired others through their actions, including a CEO, shlucha, color analyst, musical artist, and pianist.

Join us for an uplifting and heartwarming tea party where you’ll be surrounded by incredible women, delicious refreshments, and of course, a hot cup of tea.

It’s the perfect way to spend a Sunday morning — filled with positivity, connection, and meaningful conversations.

Mark your calendars for this Sunday, Chof Gimmel Adar, March 23rd Bez”h— a day of celebration in honor of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka’s נ״ע birthday. This special gathering will leave you inspired as we reflect on the powerful hachlotos made by women from around the world to והיה מחנך קדוש – make your camp holy.”

As women, we understand the important role and responsibility we have to ensure our camp, our homes, and our lives are rooted in holiness.

Our program will shine a spotlight on women who prioritize modesty and inspire others through their actions. Our impactful lineup includes:

•⁠  ⁠Charlene Aminoff, CEO & Founder of Galis Couture Wigs, who will share her personal, miraculous journey that transformed her life and empowered her to inspire thousands of women.

•⁠  ⁠Mrs. Leah Rosenfeld, Shlucha to Lake Worth, FL, who will talk about the incredible growth she experiences through the women and girls in her community.

•⁠  ⁠Leah Minkowitz, color analyst, who will offer tips on how to incorporate fashion and color into your modest wardrobe.

•⁠  ⁠Malky Laine, musical artist, accompanied by Chaya Mushka Goldstein, pianist, who will captivate our hearts and bring us together through song.

And don’t miss the grand raffle!

All women who have made a hachloto in the area of Tznius — whether through thought, speech, or action — will be automatically entered into a raffle with amazing prizes:

•⁠  ⁠An invaluable Rebbe dime!

•⁠  ⁠A stunning Dina Stern wig, valued at $6,000!

•⁠  ⁠A beautiful designer handbag, valued at $1,200!

We can’t wait for you to join us for this enriching experience, where we, as strong women, unite, and encourage each other to take One Small Step.

Tznius. Take it Back, It’s Yours.

It’s Power. It’s Protection.

Upgrade Now with over 700 women.

In Thought, Speech or Action.

Women of Iron Unite,

Sara Blau

Ruthie Sperlin

Rivky Perl


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