Sunday: Grand Hakhel to be Held in 770

A Hakhel gathering will be held in 770 for the wider Crown Heights community on Sunday, 15 Sivan. Organizers told that it will be a “Hakhel purely for the sake of Hakhel.”

A grand Hakhel gathering will be held in 770 Eastern Parkway for the wider Crown Heights community and guests.

The Hakhel will be held on Sunday, 15 Sivan from 7:00 to 8:00 PM.

Rabbi Yossi Paltiel will speak on the topic of ‘Living Hakhel Daily’, and Rabbi Naftali Silberberg will speak on the topic of ‘Hakhel For Every Yid.’

Rabbi Nota Shpigelman, a veteran mechanech and rebbi in Oholei Torah, known for his energy and chayus in teaching, will emcee the grand Hakhel event on Sunday in 770.

A special video presentation for children by My Maor will also be played.

Organizers told that the event is a “Hakhel for the sake of Hakhel.”

“This will be a gathering with one thing in mind, and one thing only: Gathering to fulfill the Rebbe’s hora’a for Shnas Hakhel,” they said.

As such, they specifically chose to hold it on a “regular” day, not a yomei depagra. They also chose a program that will speak to chassidim of all ages and stages.

“The program will be kept to exactly an hour, and will have something for everyone,” the organizers told

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