Students Receive Treasured Gift at Siddur Party

The kindergarten class of Cheder Menachem in New Jersey had a surprise prepared for those in attendance at their Siddur party- and their Morah had one for them, as well.

For the kindergarten students of Cheder Menachem in New Jersey, today was a very special day – it was time for each child to receive their very own Siddur.

The long journey of mastering  the Alef-Beis, then nekudos, and finally learning to blend them into words paid off as they proudly sang and performed for parents, family members and friends.

Under the care and Chassidishe guidance of Morah Nechama Dina Goldenberg, the children were came ready for the big day with a surprise of their own.

To the great pleasure of all those who attended and were watching on video call, the class recited the entire Perek Lamed Beis of Tanya by heart on their own! The nachas in the room was tangible.

At the end of the day, Morah Goldenberg gifted each child with a dime that she had personally received from the Rebbe. This treasure, and the memory of the special day they received it, will remain with the children for years to come.

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