Step-By-Step Guide Makes Sukkah Building Easy

Bochur Mendel Grossbaum created a step-by-step guide to building a sukkah using materials from ay Home Depot for under $400, a valuable resource for anash and especially shluchim.

Bochur Mendel Grossbaum created a step-by-step guide to building a sukkah using materials from ay Home Depot for under $400, a valuable resource for anash and especially shluchim.

“This is a resource that I’ve put together which I think can be majorly helpful, especially to Shluchim,” he said.

The guide shows, step-by-step, how to make a 8×8 foot Sukkah using standard lumber that can be bought in any Home Depot. The value to Shluchim is obvious, as many times it may be daunting for a mekurav to build his own Sukkah, for many reasons—such as the price of pre-made kits, or designing their own model—but with this manual all of those issues fall away.

With the price just under $400, it’s about as affordable as it gets, and with a clear 3D instruction manual, building it is a breeze. A major help to Shluchim trying to encourage their mekuravim to build a kosher Sukkah for Sukkos.

Click here to download a PDF of the manual and click here to download a parts list or click here:, which takes you directly to a parts list on Home Depot’s website. All you have to do is press order.

Editor’s Note: Please consult a Rov before using Home Depot mats as schach.


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