Starting tonight, a new daily shiur in 3 perakim Rambam will take place in 770 each evening. The shiur will be given every day by Rabbi Mendy Yusewitz.
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As per the Rebbes wishes that Rambam should be studied specifically ‘berabim’ in in every place, “There should be shiurei Rambam in every place, learning ‘berabim’ in public, not just two people, and surely not alone.” (Sicha Ki-Sisa 5749, vol.3 – p. 58.
Crown Heights Irgun Torah is announcing a slate of new shiurim in the daily Rambam for the local community in Crown Heights. The magidei shiurim all have experience in teaching and also have the depth and knowledge to present a clear, insightful and entertaining Daily Rambam Shiur.
Most shiurim will be at night for the following day’s Rambam. There’s no better way to start your day, knowing you already learned that day’s Rambam in a clear, concise, and well-understood manner and ‘berabim’ as the Rebbe requested.
Beginning tonight, a new daily shiur in 3 perakim Rambam will take place each evening in 770. The shiur will be given every day by Rabbi Mendy Yusewitz, principal of Cheder Ohr Menachem, from 830 – 9:15 pm.
A separate Shiur in 1 Perek will be starting first of Av when we begin learning Hilchos Yesodei Hatorah.
If you are interested in giving a shiur Rambam or if you know of a shul that could benefit from a Rambam Shiur, please contact 718.600.8211or [email protected]
Join What’s App group For daily recordings. To join the newly formed what’s app group to get updated info on the local Rambam Shiurim as well to get the daily recordings, you can join here.. Daily Rambam WhatsApp group:
To view other Rambam shiurim, visit