Start New Rambam Cycle With Daily Shiur

Start the new cycle of Rambam with one of many Rambam classes taught by talented maggidei shiurim at locations throughout Crown Heights.

After a year of the exciting initiative of daily Rambam shiurim established by Irgun Torah, the shiurim continue and are expanding to new shiurim!

This Gimmel Tammuz as we start the new cycle of 3 perakim it is a special time to take on the takanah of the Rebbe, whether learning 1 or 3 perakim, and to make it a kvius in time and place with a clear and concise, entertaining shiur.

Rambam Project

As is known one the projects that the Rebbe instituted that was of great importance and very much valued by the Rebbe, was the daily learning of the Rambam, of which the Rebbe wanted everyone to be part of. 

Besides the actual inyan of learning כל התורה כולה, the entire Torah, the Rebbe discussed many other great important aspects and the blessings from learning the Rambam daily. 

As per the Rebbes wishes that Rambam should be studied specifically ‘berabim’ in a public shiur and בכל מקום ומקום,  in every place.

Irgun Torah happy to announce that there is available for the local community in crown heights and available as well online, clear and concise Rambam Shiurim from well known magidei shiurim, which have experience in teaching and also have the depth and knowledge to present a clear, insightful and entertaining Daily Rambam Shiur.

These shiurim will be on 1 and 3 perakim Rambam, in the local shuls, mostly in the evenings between mincha and maariv or right after maariv. There’s also a morning shiur for those who would rather learn Rambam in the morning. 

The shiurim are presented in a clear and concise manner,  on average 1 perek Rambam about 25-30 minutes and the 3 perakim Rambam about 45-55 minutes.

Participants of the shiur attending the recent siyum, shared some of their personal benefits they gained by thru the shiurim..

One of those coming on a regular basis said “it’s simply therapeutic to go at night to listen to the shiur, even after a tough hard day it simply melts away most of my stress”

Another one shared, “after a long day which I’m tired and feel overwhelmed it clears my mind.. it’s like mental flossing for my brain”

One of the attendees said “I have finally really started learning Rambam in a serious way.. really understanding it and making it part of my schedule daily” Another person said “it has added so much to my knowledge of Torah.. and truly added a lot of meaning and purpose to my day”

Start Your New Day With Rambam

Another important aspect is that most shiurim will be at night, already into the next day, and this most shiurim actually learning the following day Rambam. 

What better way to start your day, knowing you already learned that day’s Rambam in a clear, concise and well understood manner and ‘berabim’ as the Rebbe requested.

May the learning of the daily Rambam bring much brachos to all and with the ultimate bracha ומלאה הארץ דעה את ה’.


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