Soulful Seder Niggunim Delights Crowd

Photos: Oded Kaizerman/

Seasoned participant in the world of Chassidic niggunim and novices alike gathered for an evening of melodic celebration, spirituality, and communal bonding led by R’ Mendel Reizes and Zalmy Schreiber

Photos: Oded Kaizerman/

In a heartwarming display of unity and devotion, a group of dedicated bochurim have taken the initiative and arranged a remarkable Seder Niggunim on Thursday evening, Rosh Chodesh Elul.

The event was held at Lubavitcher Yeshiva, where participants gathered for an evening of melodic celebration, spirituality, and communal bonding.

Under the guidance and leadership of the esteemed Reb Mendel Reizes, an accomplished Chazan and Baal Menagen. Reb Mendel’s soulful voice and his ability to connect through the power of niggunim, the sacred melodies of Chassidic tradition, infused the event with a deep sense of connection.

Adding a delightful layer to the evening’s festivities, the musical talents of Zalmy Schreiber and his band provided a captivating musical backdrop.

“This Seder Niggunim provided a unique opportunity to experience the magic of music, unity, and devotion, all in honor of Shnas Hakhel,” organizers said. “The power of niggunim and the warmth of shared spirituality uplifts the soul and forge lasting connections with fellow participants.


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