Son of Soldier Killed in Gaza Sings Father’s Song at Farbrengen

Be’eri Hershkovitz joined the Flatbush community for a Yud Tes Kislev Farbrengen, and sang a song his father composed before he was killed in Gaza.

Be’eri Hershkovitz, the son of Yossi Hershkovitz, a soldier killed in Gaza, came with his grandfather to speak at the Yud Tes Kislev farbrengen at Mayan Yisroel in Flatbush, run by Rabbi Yoseph Vigler.

Be’eri spoke about the heroic actions of his father and of his inspiring life as an an educator and high school principal, a musician, and a beloved father of five children. His father was a man of strong Emunah, who inspired all those around him.

Hearing the words from the young orphan’s mouth, deeply touched all those in attendance. Yossi, Be’eri’s father, composed a song before he was tragically killed. Be’eri played piano and sang the song to those in attendance.

Watch below: Be’eri speaking about his father and playing his song.

To donate to his family, click here.

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