Some Families Need More Than Just Chocolate Coins

This Chanukah, as we gather to celebrate with our families, we need to remember that not everyone is worrying about what to serve. Instead, some of our neighbors are concerned about something much more basic: having enough to pay for groceries.

This Chanukah, as we gather to celebrate with our families, we need to remember that not everyone is worrying about what to serve. Instead, some of our neighbors are concerned about something much more basic: having enough to pay for groceries.

In Crown Heights, many families face the challenge of covering weekly groceries. For these families, Chanukah highlights their struggle. As we light the menorah and enjoy the latkes, we should turn our thoughts to those neighbors for whom every meal is a financial burden.

As the custom of giving gelt comes around, let’s give it a new, meaningful direction. Your gelt can actually put food on a family’s table. It’s a chance to turn a small act of giving into a significant act of kindness.

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Your gift could mean a family gets to celebrate with more than just hope this Chanukah.

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