Slavita Vs. Kopust: The Mitteler Rebbe’s Mediation

Following the passing of the Alter Rebbe, the Slavita printers began printing a new edition of the “Alter Rebbe’s Shas.” But then, the printers in Kopust began printing an edition of their own. To solve their dispute, they went to the Mitteler Rebbe…

By reporter

Thousands of priceless treasures lie on the shelves and safes of the Central Chabad Library, right next door to 770. The average chossid, however, won’t have the chance to see the most precious of them. Until now, that is.

A new series, launched by in partnership with the Rebbe’s library, will showcase some of the most unique and historic books and items in the Rebbe’s library.

In this week’s episode, Chief Librarian Rabbi Berel Levin explores an episode in the history of Jewish printing which is also a fascinating chapter in Chabad history.


Following the passing of the Alter Rebbe, Reb Moshe Shapiro, rov of Slavita and head of the Slavita Press, began printing a new edition of the “Alter Rebbe’s Shas.” 

At the same time, another Chabad Chossid, Reb Yisroel Yaffee, began printing his own edition of the Talmud in Kopust. 

When a dispute broke out over printing rights, the two sides agreed to go to the Mitteler Rebbe to mediate their dispute.

Rabbi Levine explores that episode in Chabad history, and the resulting

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