Dershowitz Sefer Torah Completed

Thursday saw large crowds attend the Siyum Sefer Torah organised by the Aleph Institute and the Rubashkin family in appreciation of the efforts of Professor Alan Dershowitz. Dershowitz was heavily influential in securing the release of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin in 2017, recommending to President Doland Trump that he should commute Rubashkin’s prison sentence.

Rabbi Moshe Klein completed the Sefer Torah, helping many friends and associates of Professor Dershowitz write in the final letters. Following the Torah’s completion, Mr. Dershowitz recited the Shehechyanu bracha, accompanied by the singing of Chazan Yitchok Meir Helfgot. Reb Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin did hagbah on the Torah, after which a lively tahalucha to 770 ensued, complete with music, torches, and Torah flags.

Hakofos were performed in 770 with many in attendance, followed by an appreciation dinner for Mr Dershowitz at the Jewish Children’s Museum.

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