Rabbi Fishel Oster’s daily daf shiur will celebrate a Siyum at a Melave Malka this Motzei Shabbos with guest speaker Rabbi Mordechai Gurary.
A daily daf shiur launched in Crown Heights two months ago will celebrate a Siyum at a Melave Malka this Motzei Shabbos.
The shiur is taught by Rabbi Fishel Oster, a well-known magid shiur for over 18 years in Oholei Torah Zal.
The daily shiur has completed Maseches Brachos, and is joined by many in person as well as live via online audio and video.
The Grand Siyum and Melave malkah will take place on Motzei Shabbos, Mar. 7 at 9:15 pm.
Guest Speaker will be Rabbi Mordechai Gurary.
It will take place at Merkaz Avereichim, 466 Albany Ave., Downstairs Beis Medrash.
The Shiur will continue on Sunday morning, beginning Mesachtas Shabbos
Sunday, Mar. 8 יב אדר at 8:15 am.
Weekly schedule: Sunday shiur is 8:15-9 am, M-F 7:45-8:30 am, Motzei Shabbos at 9:15 – 10 pm.
Hot coffee, tea and mezonos served.
BH we have the privilege of the Shiur being given by Rabbi Oster a well known and prominent magid shiur which has been teaching nigleh with clarity and passion for over 18 years in Oholei Torah Zal.
Gemoroh shiur timings:Sundays 8:15 – 9:00Mondays-Fridays 7:45-8:30 am
Precedesd By Daily Chassidus shiur by Rabbi Oster.
Mondays-Fridays 7:15-7:45Sundays 7:45-8:15
Sharchis minyan after Gemoroh shiur.
Starting a new New Torah Shiurim Group – To receive updates and recordings by what’s app to beautiful and exciting shiurim.. Follow this link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/D6hfN1ZefTL30vaiPHhXCb
To Receive Daily Recording of Gemoroh or chassidus shiur by Rabbi Oster.. Follow this link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JFJgdGrkbQeKE4G5ck0k5J
Shiur arranged by IrgunTorah.Org Learn. Connect. Be Inspired!