Sisters Ask to Do Hafrashas Challah in Father’s Merit

Two girls whose father has taken ill with the coronavirus, have started a campaign to get 200 women to do Hafrashas Challah this week in the merit of all those who are in need of a Refuah Shleima.

Two girls whose father has taken ill with the coronavirus, have started a campaign to get 200 women to do Hafrashas Challah this week in the merit of all those who are in need of a Refuah Shleima.

As the coronavirus wreaks havoc in our community, we physically try our best to stop it. We make sure to wash our hands, stay away from large crowds, and keep away from seniors. But what about a spiritual effort?

Please RSVP here so we can keep track of how many women will join this campaign.

The Rebbe says that just as the women in Mitzrayim facilitated their redemption through having true belief in their release from exile;
so too it will be the women who will be first in line to greet the ultimate redemption, through their trust and belief.

Women, let’s unite and together overcome the corona disease by bringing the ultimate healing, Moshiach!

We’re all home. All businesses are closed. All the schools shut down. Now we have no more excuses. Get your kids involved for incredible Chinuch lesson. Let’s make this happen!

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