Shul Publications Delivered to Homes, Stores

One highlight of going to shul on Shabbos is reading the many pamphlets spread about the tables. Now, those materials are being made available at locations around Crown Heights.

Residents of Crown Heights will once again be able to enjoy the various learning booklets distributed each Shabbos through the new learning packets distributed by the Crown Heights Shipping Center.

Packets containing popular publications such as Here’s My Story, The Weekly Farbrengen, and the Lahak Sicha among others, are being made available in Crown Heights grocery stores, magazine boxes on the street corners, and in over 50 buildings across Crown Heights.

The learning packets are distributed before Shabbos, generally on Thursday afternoon or Friday morning. This week, before Shavuos they are being distributed earlier.

To have your publication distributed, contact the Crown Heights Shipping Center at

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