Short 400 Beds, CTeen Forced to Close Registration

Organizers of the largest-ever CTeen Shabbaton say they were forced to close registration due to a shortage of accommodations.

The 12th annual CTeen Shabbaton is expected to draw 2,700 participants from 497 cities in 20 countries, marking the largest crowd CTeen has ever hosted.

Short 400 beds, CTeen had no choice but to close down registration.

While the packed program features major events such as havdalah in Times Square and a grand closing ceremony at the Williamsburg Armory, teens have continuously rated their warm Shabbos experience with Crown Heights families among the 2 most impactful parts of the shabbaton.

“CTeen Headquarters would like to thank the generous families of Crown Heights,” shared Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Vice Chairman of CTeen, “for continuously opening their hearts and their homes for the annual Shabbaton.”

As hotels within walking distance on Atlantic Ave booked for the shabbaton, CTeen is counting on families to host their teens.

If you are able to host teens for the nights of 2-5 Adar (February 27th-March 1st) or for the Shabbos day meal, please WhatsApp (718) 467-4400, email [email protected], or call (718) 467-4400 ext 4344.

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