Sholom Browd, 2, AH

Sholom Browd, the 2 year old son of Rabbi Avremi and Fruma Browd, Shluchim in Detroit, MI, passed away on Friday, 26 Kislev, 5785.

Sholom Browd, the 2 year old son of Rabbi Avremi and Fruma Browd, Shluchim in Detroit, MI, passed away on Friday, 26 Kislev, 5785.

He was 2 months shy of his third birthday.

Sholom was a healthy child who experienced a terrible accident shortly before his first birthday. 

Many around the world united in saying Tehillim and adding in good deeds in Sholom’s merit.

Despite the Doctors predictions and beating all the odds, his condition improved and he miraculously survived and lived for 2 more years.

On the 2nd night of Chanukah, the situation took a turn for the worse and his neshama was returned to its creator. 

His family is deeply grateful knowing that we all did what we can and are awaiting the coming of Moshiach when we will be reunited with Sholom.

He is survived by his parents and 3 siblings, Levi, Esther and Yerachmiel 

The Levaya took place right before Shabbos at Old Montefiore Cemetery in Queens.

Boruch Dayan Ha’emes.

The Browd Family will be sitting Shiva:

In Crown Heights:

620 Montgomery St.

Sunday through Tuesday

11:00 AM – 2:00 PM and 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM 

The family will be sitting Shiva at their home in Detroit on Wednesday and Thursday. 

Exact times to be announced. 

If someone is coming from out of town and is only available to come at a different time in the day, please call 347-654-6951


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