The grand Kinus Hashluchos Melave Malka featured speakers from across the globe, alongside niggunim, melodies, and song.
By reporter
The grand Kinus Hashluchos Melave Malka featured speakers from across the globe, alongside niggunim, melodies, and song.
The evening was chaired by Mrs. Esty Zaklikofsky of Bellaire, Texas, and Tehillim was led by Mrs. Chana Kavka of Sydney, Australia.
Speakers included Mrs. Brocha Slaviticki of Decatur, Georgia, whose address was titled Shlichus: A Lighter Look; Mrs. Devora Ita Lewis of Old Tappan, New Jersey on ‘When You’re Left With Few Options’; From Tel Aviv, Eretz Yisroel, was Mrs. Mindi Schmerling who spoke about ‘Lighting Our Home Front’ and ‘Spreading Light on Campus’ was addressed by Mrs. Miri Gourarie of Penn State University, Pennsylvania.
Other speakers included Mrs. Devorah Leah Gurewitz of Lyon, France – Lamplighters: A Ripple Effect and
Mrs. Temmi Hadar of Johannesburg, South Africa – Turning Lights on in South Africa.
Niggunim, melodies, ad song were led by Mrs. Chana Vigler and Moussia, Etti, Rachel, and Rivkah of
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
Photo credit: Itzik Roitman –
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