Shluchim Enjoy Customizable Flyers

“Thank you for the Lag b’omer and Shavuos flyers!” said Rabbi Yehuda Heber, Shliach to Yorktown Heights, NY. “It is a beautiful service to Shluchim! Instead of every shliach paying to make a flyer from scratch, this is a great way to service them! Thank you!”

The Shluchim Office recently started a new initiative, offering Shluchim professional customizable flyers to promote their community events. The new project has been received with tremendous excitement from Shluchim who enjoy the professional publicity provided in such an easy and convenient way.

“Thank you very very much for the Lag B’omer flyer! We recently arrived at our new shlichus post in Aachen, Germany, and it’s unbelievable what the flyer did!” said Rabbi Yosef Yitzchok Gruzman. “דער אויבערשטער זאל דיר בענשען אין דעם זכות מיט אלע ברכות”

The Shluchim Office just released the Shavuos edition, its third publication in this series.  Each come in two different styles, are available in multiple formats for printing, email, or the various social media outlets, and can be easily customized with Adobe Reader or Acrobat

The Shluchim Office invites Shluchim to take advantage of the free Shavuos flyer, and to follow our Shlichus Market Facebook group for this and many other special offers for Shluchim.

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