Shliach Has Been Giving Tefillin to Soldiers for 19 Years

Chabad Seine et Marne in France ran its 19th solidarity mission to IDF soldiers in Israel. The soldiers were treated to a large event with speakers, dancing, a lavish feast, and beautiful gifts such as tefillin, chitas and shabbos candle sticks.

The 19th annual solidarity mission of Beth Habad Seine et Marne, founded and directed by Rabbi Yossi and Tzalcha Amar, was held earlier this week. Rabbi and Mrs. Amar have been intimately involved with IDF soldiers and Israeli border Police by providing encouragement and support for nearly 20 years.

Although this year’s mission was initially scheduled for February 2024 it was rescheduled to strengthen the soldiers during an ongoing war. The mission visited four military bases in the south, right near the Gaza Strip. Especially in the bases where, just a month ago, the Hamas terrorists carried out their attacks.

The shluchim arrived to encourage and boost morale with joy and dances. They served a large barbecues for 500 soldiers, distributed 30 pairs of Tefillin to those without them (some of whom hadn’t worn them since their bar mitzvah!), and distributed books of chitas and Tzitzis.

While there, the delegation even experienced several “red alert” situations live, due to rocket and mortar fire and witnessed IDF interceptions. They ran to shelters with the soldiers. They also had the opportunity to speak with observers from the military intelligence unit who were present during the 7/10 massacre. They recounted, by a great miracle, how everyone from their unit survived.

Together, they recited Tehillim, Shema Israel, and a prayer for the success of all soldiers, the healing of the wounded, and the return of all hostages. They expressed their common wish to achieve victory with Hashem’s help, combining spiritual efforts symbolized by the Tefillin and Chitas that they distributed and material efforts, all with joy and trust in Hashem.

Rabbi Amar shared the teachings of the Rebbe on the importance of joy, the miracle of Chanukah, and how these concepts manifest concretely in the observance of Mitzvos by the Jewish people, especially Tefilin and Tzitzit, contributing to spreading divine light in the world.

A big thank you to all who courageously accompanied us in this mission: Jordan, Julie, Laurie, and Déborah. May we always merit to bring joy and abundant blessings to all our soldiers!

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