Shliach Escapes Axe-Wielding Attacker

An ax-wielding man attempted to storm the Chabad House in Mariupol, Ukraine, during morning davening. While the security guard wrestled with the attacker, the shliach managed to escape.

By reporter

An ax-wielding man attempted to storm the Chabad House in Mariupol, Ukraine, during morning davening. While the security guard wrestled with him, the shliach managed to escape.

The incident occurred Tuesday morning in the city of Mariupol while Rabbi Menachem Mendel Cohen and several others were inside the shul davening Shachris. Rabbi Cohen noticed the attacker and immediately alerted the security guard standing outside.

The guard managed to wrestle the weapon away from the intruder but not without injury to himself. After exchanging blows with the guard the suspect fled the scene.

While the guard was confronting the attacker, the Shliach managed to flee through the back door. Even while escaping, the shliach managed to take a picture of the attacker.

The suspect returned shortly thereafter and hurled a sack at the building, reportedly containing feces, sand, and other materials before walking off again. The incident was captured on surveillance footage.

Police said that they have opened an investigation into the incident and searching for suspects. 

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