Seder Nigunim Companion Excites Communities Worldwide 

The Farbrengen experience in Chabad Houses, Shuls, and homes worldwide are taking on a new interactive dimension with the newly expanded Seder Nigunim companion from The Moshiach Office at Merkos 302.

“The first time I heard Chassidic songs sung like that, I knew it was something special but I had no idea what it was,” says Jackie Korchowsky, a Chabad House volunteer in Williamsville, NY.

Newly expanded and available in Hebrew and Spanish, the full-color companion provides a wealth of insight, background, and meaning behind the Rabbeim’s nigunim, and invites everyone to participate and connect with the soul of the melodies.

For Moshe Bolinsky, a community member at Chabad of Long Beach, NY, the Seder Nigunim companion has been a game-changer “From my days in Crown Heights, I am familiar with the Rebbeim’s nigunim, but using the links in the companion allow me to practice them, plus be inspired when listening.”

Photos of the Rebbeim bring the nigunim to life, giving readers a visual of the song’s composer. The appendix includes Daled Bavos along with its preparatory and subsequent nigunim. For those who are unfamiliar with the tunes, QR codes in the back of the companion give easy access for learning.

At a round-table family Seder Nigunim, Zalman Negin, musician and founder of Mamesh Music, shares how each child introduced a nigun before singing it together. “The companion added a layer of depth that made the experience much more meaningful.”

“The Farbrengen has always been a key element of the warmth and joy that Shluchim aim to imbue in their community members’ lives,” says Rabbi Mendy Kotlarsky, Executive Director of Merkos 302, “The goal of the companion is to assist Shluchim in engaging participants with a meaningful and interactive Farbrengen experience.”

Purchase the Seder Nigunim Companion online at or in Crown Heights stores by Monday the 26th of Iyar to receive it in time for Shavuos. Contact [email protected] to inquire about a customizable option for weddings, bar-mitzvahs, or family reunions as mementos or gifts.

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