School Celebrates with Student Built Menorah

Photos by Berel Myers

Students, staff, parents, and friends celebrated the first night of Chanukah together at the First Annual Menorah Lighting Ceremony at Darchai Menachem. Organized by the Darchai Menachem PTA, the event publicized the Chanukah miracle while strengthening the sense of community and pride in Darchai Menachem.

A sixteen-foot tall Menorah, hand built by Darchai Mesivta students, stood prominently in front of the building and a beautiful, building-sized dreidel made of lights added to the Chanukah spirit. After Rabbi Eyal Bension, Darchai Menachem Principal, inspired the crowd with words of Torah, Assistant Principal Rabbi Aharon Simon led students in an enthusiastic recital of the 12 Pesukim. Rabbi Heppenheimer and his son were honored with lighting the Menorah which was followed by a beautiful rendition of “HaNeros Hallalu” by Mechanech Rabbi “Super” Samuels.

Students also had a great time. Dressed as a human dreidel, Mesivta student Yossel Goldberg excitedly said between cotton candy bites, “I love Chanukah, I love donuts, and I love Darchai!” Mesivta student Berel Meyers, a skilled photographer captured some of the event’s magic with his stunning photography. His classmate, DJ Yossi Blokh, made everyone want to dance with his tasteful yet exciting DJing, making yet another successful “Blokh” party.

The Darchai Menachem staff and student body are extremely appreciative for such an active and caring PTA. The PTA would like to thank our sponsors: Totally Her, Crown Display, Post Mark It, The Space, iKippah, Black Velvet Children’s Shoes, Toys4U, Gymies, Building Blocks, the Malamuds, the Brikman family, the Heppenheimers, and the entire Darchai Family for making this event possible. Happy Chanukah!

Mazel tov to our winners! Devorah Hornbacher– Classes from The Space, Reuven Lakein – Gymies, Baila Kaplan – Playmobile Emmer – shoes, Naftoli Goldshmid – iKippah.

Photos by Berel Myers

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