Last week, Oholei Torah Mesivta welcomed Rabbi Eliyahu Ezagui, a distinguished expert in shechita, for a captivating Shiur and Q&A session. The event provided a unique opportunity for talmidim to delve deeper into the intricacies of hilchos kashrus.
Last week, Oholei Torah Mesivta welcomed Rabbi Eliyahu Ezagui, a distinguished expert in shechita, for a captivating Shiur and Q&A session. The event provided a unique opportunity for talmidim to delve deeper into the intricacies of hilchos kashrus.
Rabbi Ezagui, an experienced Shochet, shared fascinating stories from shechitos around the world, offering a nuanced understanding of the kosher shechita process. His wealth of knowledge and expertise shed light on the complexities and challenges involved in ensuring the highest standards of kashrus.
During the Q&A session, Rabbi Ezagui addressed topics ranging from the technical aspects of shechita to the ethical considerations. His thoughtful responses and engaging demeanor made the shiur both informative and enjoyable.
The event was made possible through the initiative of the Yeshiva’s hanhola, particularly Rabbi Moshe Silman, Menahel and Rabbi Shneur Zalman Laufer, Sgan Menahel. Their efforts in organizing this shiur demonstrated a commitment to providing talmidim with enriching experiences that complement their studies.
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