Remsen Village Community Finally Gets its New Home

This past Monday, a parade of men and children could be seen transporting seforim, bookshelves, tables, and chairs from the Remsen Village community’s previous shul to its new location, where a community center is planned.

This week, the shul of Lubavitch of Remsen Village moved into its new home, anchoring the expansion of the Rebbe’s shechunah.

This past Monday, a parade of men and children could be seen transporting seforim, bookshelves, tables, and chairs from the community’s previous shul to its new location at 305 Remsen Ave.

The community of Remsen Village/East Flatbush has exploded in recent years, with new arrivals moving in every month. The previous shul, located in a basement at 270 East 91st St., was bursting out of its seams.

With much sayata d’Shmaya, the community signed a contract to purchase spacious new grounds at 305 Remsen Ave. In addition to housing the shul, the building will serve as a community center with rooms for programs, a library, and a mikva

The owner of the building has graciously extended the deadline for the purchase, giving the community additional time to raise the large amount of funds still needed to buy the building. In the interim, he has allowed them to use the location to serve the needs of the growing community. New programs, now possible due to the larger accommodations, are scheduled to begin immediately, such as a Shabbos morning kid’s program.

Please participate generously in this vital step to expand the Rebbe’s shechunah and help us reach the finish line.

To donate, click here. To learn more about Lubavitch of Remsen Village, visit here.


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