Remsen Village Community Completes Purchase of New Center

The community of Remsen Village has just closed on a six-million dollar shul and center to serve the needs of its ever-growing community.

The community of Remsen Village has just closed on a large shul and center to serve its growing needs.

Last year, the shul relocated from its previous location, a cramped basement of a local home, to its current spacious quarters on 305 Remsen Ave. The ultimate goal was to purchase the six-million-dollar building.

A Raisethon fundraiser was arranged last spring, bringing in a considerable amount from hundreds of people in New York and beyond who understood the value of this purchase in bolstering the Rebbe’s shechunah.

Now, a generous half-million-dollar grant from Rabbi Dovid Fisher has enabled the community to realize its dream. With tremendous siyata d’Shmaya, they have closed the purchase and can now call the building their own.

The building currently serves as a shul and community center, with plans b’ezras Hashem to incorporate a men’s mikvah. Zoning laws permit expanding the building upwards, with the potential of additional floors.

The tremendous growth of the Remsen Village community is only increasing as additional families join the vibrant, warm, and welcoming neighborhood. A kosher grocery store has recently opened its doors in the vicinity, enhancing the area’s attraction for young families looking for more affordable housing while remaining close to Crown Heights.

The community’s fundraiser campaign is still underway to raise funds for the necessary renovations and the building of the mikvah. To donate, please visit

To find out more, visit


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  1. Thank you Rabbi Duni Jacobs!!!!
    Without him nothing would happen.
    He spent sleepless months, literally, to get us to this point.

    Rabbi Jacobs you are our savior!
    A real Shliach to remsen village, building up this community from scratch.

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