Recordings of Rebbe’s 5725 Tefillos Released for the First Time

As Chassidim commemorate the 60th Yahrtzeit of the Rebbe’s mother, Rebbetzin Chana, a new opportunity to live and experience this day with the Rebbe is now available. For the first time, the entire audio collection of the Rebbe leading the davening in the year following his mother’s passing is available.

As Chassidim commemorate the 60th Yahrtzeit of the Rebbe’s mother, Rebbetzin Chana ע”ה, a new opportunity to live and experience this day with the Rebbe is now available.

For the first time, the entire audio collection of the Rebbe leading the davening in the year following his mother’s passing is available—a historic achievement ahead of this year’s milestone Vov Tishrei.

This newly published collection of Teffilos from Tishrei through Menachem-Av 5725 includes some truly unique recordings. On certain occasions, the Rebbe can be heard davening the entire Tefillah aloud, word for word, in his beautiful and heartfelt tune. In one particularly emotional instance, the Rebbe wept throughout most of Chazaras Hashatz. In addition to the daily Tefilos, the collection also features Selichos on fast days, V’al Hanissim, Sefiras Haomer, and other year-round moments.

Listening to these recordings infuses a special warmth and inspiration into one’s own davening, as the sweet and stirring tune of the Rebbe’s voice adds meaning to each Tefillah.

With the publication of the entire collection, over 500 events are available to browse through on JEM’s Ashreinu app from the year 5725, an unheard of number for the 1960s.

The emotional Tefillos are published in their entirety and in unprecedented clarity, having been recorded and carefully preserved by Rabbi Sholom Yisroel Hodakov.

After transferring, restoring, and publishing these precious recordings on Ashreinu, this beautiful collection of Tefilos is a truly novel treasure.

The special Tefillos the Rebbe publicly shared for his private Aveilus, sixty years later, are now available for any individual who wants to connect with the Rebbe on this special day.

Browse the full collection at

Some special Tefillos from around the year:
Shacharis, Taanis Esther 5725
Mincha, Erev Sukkos 5725
Maariv, Leil Yud Alef Nissan 5725

Much appreciation to Rabbi Berel Grossbaum for his efforts in making this collection public.

The restoration of this audio has been made possible by the members of the JEM Foundation.

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