Receive a Full Chassidus Library in Honor of Hey Teves

As we prepare to celebrate Hey Teves, here’s an incredible offer for you; You can receive the full Or Hachassidus library while helping them spread Chassidus to countless others. 

Check out this Hey Teves deal like no other:

You can receive a complete Chassidus library simply by partnering with Or HaChassidus!

For over 20 years, Or HaChassidus has been dedicated to spreading the light of Chassidus. Through weekly booklets, Yom Tov resources, and curated collections of the Rebbe’s teachings, they have brought the depth and beauty of Chassidus into homes, shuls, and communities. Their mobile library ensures these teachings reach even the most remote locations.

One of their major accomplishments has been the creation of a comprehensive library of the Rebbe’s Torah, adapted for every audience. This includes works on parshios, yomim tovim, and a wide range of meaningful topics.

By making a monthly donation to Or HaChassidus, you can receive the entire Or HaChassidus library—an incredible gift that will enrich your home or shul.

What better way to celebrate Hey Teves than by growing your library while ensuring the light of Chassidus reaches Yidden across the world?

As you search for the best Hey Teves deal, consider this: a double opportunity. You’ll be spreading the teachings of Chassidus and enriching your own library with the timeless wisdom of the Rebbe, beautifully adapted for every crowd. A double mitzvah. A double win.

Your bookshelves will thank you for it.

Donate & WIN!


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