Rebbe’s Question in Yechidus Answered After 47 Years

During a Shiur Halacha L’iyun on yesterday’s Rambam, Rabbi Moshe Weiss, Shliach in Sherman Oaks CA, answered a question the Rebbe posed to him during his Bar Mitzvah Yechidus.

During a Shiur Halacha L’iyun on yesterday’s Rambam, Rabbi Moshe Weiss, Shliach in Sherman Oaks CA, answered a question the Rebbe posed to him during his Bar Mitzvah Yechidus.

“My father and I came to the Rebbe for Yud Shevat 5733 to have a Yechidus in honor of my upcoming Bar Mitzvah”, Rabbi Weiss said. “I remember being told beforehand that during the Yechidus, the Rebbe would test me, but I figured he would focus on the Maamar so I worked hard to memorize that.”

“In the end, the Rebbe wanted to hear the Pilpul in nigleh that I had prepared. I launched into it, quoting the Gemara in Menachos which derives from the possuk “מימים ימימה” that Tefillin are not put on at night.

“The Rebbe asked: ‘those Pesukim are discussing Pesach, why is it that we learn a Halacha about Tefillin from there?’ I was stumped, and the Rebbe moved on to other things. But I never forgot the question, and I knew the day would come when I would have the answer,” he said.

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This Shiur is part of the larger Shlosha Prakim Rambam Resources Initiative, which brings together incredible material for those on the flagship track of the Rebbe’s Takana of Limmud Harambam. Including:

1. A NEW Shiur in English on all 3 Prakim by Rabbi Yisroel Resnick, Shliach in the Tri-valley, CA.

2. An advanced Shiur by Rabbi Mendy Yusewitz of Crown Heights.

3. A summary of all the Rebbe’s explanations on the daily Rambam, accompanied by a comprehensive source sheet, by Rabbi Yossi Lipskier, Sherman Oaks CA.

4. Recordings of the Rebbe explaining a Halacha in the daily Rambam.

5. Review quizzes.

In addition, as reported on, there is a series of daily live classes rotating between renowned Maggidei Shiurim and Talmidei Chachomim, studying one Halacha of the Rambam in depth as per the Rebbe’s request.

All of these resources and more can be accessed at: Dedication options are also available at

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