Rebbe’s Chumash Teachings Joins Sefaria’s Digital Library

In a significant step in hafotzas hamayonos, Sefaria, a popular online digital library of Jewish texts with seven million annual users, has added the Kehos Chumash with its unique translation that weaves in Rashi’s commentary and the Rebbe’s teachings.

By reporter

Marking sixty years since the Rebbe first started saying the famous Rashi Sichos, Kehos and Chabad House Publication have partnered with Sefaria, a popular online library of digitized Jewish texts, to bring the Rebbe’s innovative Pirush on Rashi to Sefaria’s seven million annual users.

In collaboration with Kehos and Chabad House Publication, Sefaria has now added the classical Kehos Chumash translation to its growing collection of Torah translations.

Sefaria is a popular online digital library containing Jewish texts that have digitized over 180 million words as part of their organization’s mission to make the Torah and its commentaries easily accessible and available on the internet.

With the Kehos Chumash now available on Sefaria, users can use Sefaria’s award-winning interconnectivity linking feature. By clicking on a posuk, a sidebar instantly loads showing excerpts of every place it’s mentioned in Mishnayos, Gemara, and Meforshim. This greatly enhances the learning experience by having all the commentaries at the user’s fingertips to analyze and research.

The Kehos Chumash brings the Rebbe’s Rashi Sichos to life by weaving Rashi’s commentary, as expounded upon by the Rebbe’s sichos, into a running translation of the text. This approach provides a simple and clear commentary, making it easy to read and understand each parsha.

“We hope this edition, with its additional context and resources, enhances your learning,” Sefaria wrote in an email heralding the addition of the Kehos Chumash to its growing library of translations of Torah texts. “The Kehot Chumash offers more than a straightforward, word-by-word translation of the Torah. This edition is interwoven with Rashi’s classic Torah commentary as articulated by the Rebbe. In addition, thematic headings in the text and notes about the chronological context of the Torah’s narratives help to guide readers of any learning level.”

With Sefaria surpassing over 600,000 global monthly users in the past years, the partnership between Sefaria and Kehos is a significant breakthrough in spreading the wellsprings of Chassidus to Yidden around the world.

It should be noted, that Sefaria is open to many texts and translations being published on their platform, some of which are outright kefira, causing some rabbonim to discourage the use of the website entirely. Each person can ask their own rov about using the platform.

The Kehos Chumash is also available to read on


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  1. Thank you for bringing new developments but also in any case when it’s even slightly halachikly problematic mentioning it that’s why is so good

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