Reb Yoel Recovers from Coronavirus

Reb Yoel Kahn, chozer of the Rebbe and head mashpia of the Yeshiva at 770, recovered from the coronavirus after testing positive two weeks ago.

During a farbrengen Wednesday night marking 28 Nissan, Rabbi Chaim Shaul Brook, head of Lahak Hanachos, revealed that Reb Yoel Kohn had recently recovered after testing positive for cornavirus a few weeks ago.

“For about two weeks, Reb Yoel was home,” Rabbi Brook said. “Baruch Hashem, he fully recovered. When he was sick, they closed the house, no one came in and no one left. Three bochurim stayed to help him and they didn’t step outside either.”

According to Rabbi Brook, on Acharon Shel Pesach, Reb Yoel farbrengened with the bochurim, and among other topics, he spoke about the ma’amar V’nacha Alav 5714 for over 40 minutes.

Recently, Reb Yoel was interviewed and was asked for his thoughts on the coronavirus. He explained the outlook of Chassidus on the crisis.

Video: Reb Yoel on coronavirus
A transcript in English can be found here.

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