An exciting new initiative of Daily Rambam Shiurim, taught by talented maggidei shiurim at locations throughout Crown Heights, will be starting tonight.
An exciting new initiative of Daily Rambam Shiurim throughout Crown Heights will be starting tonight.
The 1 Perek Rambam Shiurim will be taught by talented Magidei Shiurim in various locations, mostly after mincha time. These shiurim are as per the wishes of the Rebbe that Rambam should be studied specifically ‘berabim’ in a public shiur and בכל מקום ומקום, in every place.
The shiurim will be presented in a clear and concise manner on average usually within 25 minutes.
Rambam Project
As is known one the projects that the Rebbe instituted that was of great importance and very much valued by the Rebbe, was the daily learning of the Rambam, of which the Rebbe wanted everyone to be part of. Besides the actual inyan of learning כל התורה כולה, the entire Torah, the Rebbe discussed many other great important aspects and the blessings from learning the Rambam daily.
Local and Worldwide
BH we are happy to announce that there will be available for the local community in crown heights and as well online Rambam Shiurim from well known magidei shiurim, which have experience in teaching and also have the depth and knowledge to present a clear, insightful and entertaining Daily Rambam Shiur.
Clear and Concise Shiurim
These shiurim will be 1 perek Rambam, in the local shuls, mostly in the evenings between mincha and maariv or right after maariv. There’s also a morning shiur for those who would rather learn Rambam in the morning.
Timings of Shiurim
The 1 Perek shiurim will be mainly starting beH Tuesday night כט תמוז, as to actually start from the beginning of the halachos, ‘הלכות יסודי התורה פרק א. The actual updated timing and places will be posted on and the what’s app group.
3 Perakim Rambam
BH there will be a 3 perakim Rambam English Shiur by the well known mechanech Rabbi Menachem Mendel Yusewitz, beH will be in 770, in the front, daily at 8:30 pm. As well as Rabbi Losh in Chevra Shas 398 Kingston Ave at 8:20 pm downstairs.
Start Your New Day With Rambam
Another advantage is that the shiurim will be at night, already into the next day, and so will actually be for the following day Rambam.
So what a better way to start your day, learning Rambam in a clear, concise and well understood manner and ‘berabim’ as the Rebbe requested.
Join WhatsApp group For daily recordings –
To join the newly formed what’s app group to get updated info on the local Rambam Shiurim as well to get the daily recordings, you can join here.. Daily Rambam WhatsApp group:
Visit for more info and updated timings.