Rambam Initiative for Boro Park Launched at Parade

Photos: Dovber Hechtman/Anash.org

Thousands of children gathered on 18th Ave. in Boro Park for a parade, kinus and Lag B’omer celebration led by shliach Rabbi Aron Ginsberg. A highlight was the launch of a new daily Sefer Hamitzvos program for children.

By Anash.org reporter
Photos: Dovber Hechtman/Anash.org

Thousands of children marched through the streets of Boro Park, their Yiddishe pride on full display as they celebrated Lag B’omer. Accompanied by live music and dancing bochurim in colorful clown suits, the crowd marched down 18th ave for a couple of blocks which were closed for the occasion.

Participants then took their seats and enjoyed a rally and kinus led by shliach Rabbi Aron Ginsberg. Children were called up to lead the crowd in reciting each of the Twelve Pesukim.

Shliach Rabbi Levi Raices of Kharkov, Ukraine, shared a very moving first-hand account of the mesiras nefesh of the shluchim and Jewish communities in Ukraine and their dedication to Torah and Mitzvos even in times of war.

A special highlight of the event was when Tzivos Hashem of Boro Park launched a new initiative. After watching a video presentation about the life of the Rambam and the Rebbe’s takana of learning Rambam daily, a Sefer Hamitzvos program was introduced where kids can hear an interesting shiur on the daily mitzva by calling a hotline phone number. They can then answer questions and earn points to win prizes. A brochure was given out explaining exactly how the program will work. Organizers were amazed to see how quickly many kids got involved and how excited they were about it.

The audience then enjoyed watching a special play where actors acted out the story of R’ Leizer Nanes, a renowned chossid who kept Shabbos in Russian labor camps for 20 years.

The program left parents and children feeling inspired and empowered in their mission to prepare the world for the coming of Moshiach.

Support this event and the ongoing activities of Tzivos Hashem of Boro Park at Armyofhashem.org


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